Current U.S. stats from RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)
Current U.S. stats from RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) Every 68 seconds sexual assault occurs. 1 out of 6 women (about 18%) have
Cortisol Stress Hormone
Psychiatrist Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. “The Body Keeps The Score” book/audio book: Cortisol stress hormone does not get back to baseline for traumatized
Unhelpful gratitude is telling yourself how you “should” be grateful vs helpful gratitude is being genuinely grateful for what you do have or what is
Most journeys are not linear. Most growth happens in the middle of the journey. There is not always a set destination. Journeys look different for
Empowering Yourself
Empower yourself by your reaction, response, and behavior to what you cannot control. -yoga instructor
One Positive Per Hour
Build a habit of identifying one positive per hour, especially on challenging days. -Dr. P
What is Going Well
Identify 5-10 positives in what is going well when you first wake up in the morning that includes the 1st hour of the morning and
Productive Sleepless Night
How can you have a productive sleepless night and still feel rested in the morning? -Dr. P
Emotions > Body Sensations
When you notice an emotion pop up, take a pause, do a body check for sensations, then respond mindfully rather than just reacting. -Calm app