Neutral Stressors & Depersonalizing
Reframe some stressors as being neutral, so we can take that pressure off of ourselves by depersonalizing it to reduce our anxiety. -Dr. P
Book: Make Your Brain Smarter by Neuroscientist Dr. Sandra Chapman, PhD
Factors reducing mental productivity > too many emails, too much info to absorb, massive demands from others, too long a to-do list, constant interruptions, no
Passive Avoidance vs Active Avoidance
VA PTSD Program webinar: Identify Passive Avoidance vs Active Avoidance of trauma. Client also stays trapped when they criticize themselves of their trauma.
Winter Sun & Depression
During winter months, be mindful of the timing of sunrises and sunsets, with goal of trying to maximize your sun exposure and artificial light exposure
Nightmares vs Bad Dreams
VA PTSD program webinar: Content of nightmares can have an awakening effect, be more intense, and more vivid vs a bad dream is more stress/anxiety
Statistics on Nightmares
VA PTSD program webinar, statistics on nightmares: General population 5%, trauma-exposed Civilians 30%, trauma-exposed Veterans 50%, Active-Duty & National Guard 30%-40%, Active-Duty Military Personnel w/
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down. -Calm app
Red LED light pens
There are red LED light pens for night time journaling, especially for those with difficulty sleeping and/or nightmares. -Anonymous
Comparative Suffering
Comparative suffering (comparing to others) is not productive, only adds more suffering, and does not acknowledge your own suffering. -Calm app