Passing thoughts & feelings do not define us, do not absorb them as part of your identity. -Calm app
How can you reduce your feelings of vulnerability when you are in a vulnerable situation? -Dr. P
“There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it” by Poet Amanda Gorman.
What are your psychosomatic symptoms? What triggers them? How do you manage them? How can you prevent them? -Dr. P
You are not defined by your trauma. You are defined by how you write the chapters of your life post trauma. -Dr. P
What is your buffer? If you are anticipating a stressful situation, have a buffer before and/or after to help you get through it. -Dr. P
Are there any tough decisions that you may need to make that are in your best interest of self-care, but due to fear or anxiety
“Know your audience” and curb your expectations based on that in order to minimize your disappointment/suffering; this does not mean lowering one’s standards. -Dr. P