How we react/respond to small stressors, builds habits, preserve your energy to address/manage more significant stressors. -Calm app
Psychiatrist Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. “The Body Keeps The Score” book/audio book: Cortisol stress hormone does not get back to baseline for traumatized
Unhelpful gratitude is telling yourself how you “should” be grateful vs helpful gratitude is being genuinely grateful for what you do have or what is
Empower yourself by your reaction, response, and behavior to what you cannot control. -yoga instructor
When you notice an emotion pop up, take a pause, do a body check for sensations, then respond mindfully rather than just reacting. -Calm app
What do you gain from letting go of a negative person, negative situation, or negative energy? -Calm app
Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no stress or noise, it means to be in the midst of those
If the red flags are ignored in the beginning of the relationship, any kind of relationship, it will be the reason the relationship ends. -Anonymous