Trauma-Related Insomnia & Nightmares
Trauma-related insomnia and nightmares, increases/intensifies other PTSD symptoms the following day. Management/reduction of insomnia and nightmares will reduce the other PTSD symptoms. -APA Trauma Psychology
Trauma-related insomnia and nightmares, increases/intensifies other PTSD symptoms the following day. Management/reduction of insomnia and nightmares will reduce the other PTSD symptoms. -APA Trauma Psychology
These resilient Olympic athletes have the same mental health challenges and family dynamics as everyone else, and they overcome and learn to manage these challenges
Kotsu Kotsu, being fully present in the moment and engaged in the art of slowing down. -Calm app
What is the difference between an anxiety-based nightmare vs a PTSD/trauma-based nightmare? -Dr. Parysa
When/how do you know if self-care is urgently needed? What does that urgent self-care look like? -Dr. Parysa
Per Navy SEAL Foundation Forum: What are your moral and/or spiritual components to your traumas, your purpose to life, your meaning to life, identify values/beliefs,
IED exposure or similar blasts puts a combat service member at higher risk of detachment. Need to address and heal the trauma in order to
Be deeper level thinker and a creating ideas/solutions thinker. Think 2 + 5 = 7 (the 2 is main thoughts, 5 is disconnect from tech
Aerobic exercise of 150 min per week (2.5 hours) helps reduce psychological and medical symptoms/diagnoses. Building body muscle is a protective factor of medical symptoms/diagnoses.