Relaxation & Trauma
Plan for daily (minimum 5 minutes), weekly (minimum one hour), monthly (minimum two hours), and annual (minimum full day) relaxation time set aside for just
Plan for daily (minimum 5 minutes), weekly (minimum one hour), monthly (minimum two hours), and annual (minimum full day) relaxation time set aside for just
Part of your trauma healing is being emotionally and physically kind to yourself. -Dr. P
How do you let go of situations/people who negatively impact your trauma? -Dr. P
Dissociation and detachment typically originates from trauma. Current situations and certain people trigger dissociative symptoms. What are your triggers to dissociation? -Dr. P
Listen to your body, from your brain, to your heart, to your muscle tension. Who or what situations is your body signaling as a red
Tomorrow’s worries take away from today’s mindful opportunities for joy. -Dr. P
Who in your life is aware of your trauma? How do they support you? -Dr. P
What do you hope for in life? What has helped you maintain that hope? What do you need to increase that hope? -Dr. P
How can you use your 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch) to ground yourself mindfully? -Dr. P