One Positive Per Hour
Build a habit of identifying one positive per hour, especially on challenging days. -Dr. P
Build a habit of identifying one positive per hour, especially on challenging days. -Dr. P
Identify 5-10 positives in what is going well when you first wake up in the morning that includes the 1st hour of the morning and
How can you have a productive sleepless night and still feel rested in the morning? -Dr. P
When you notice an emotion pop up, take a pause, do a body check for sensations, then respond mindfully rather than just reacting. -Calm app
What do you gain from letting go of a negative person, negative situation, or negative energy? -Calm app
Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no stress or noise, it means to be in the midst of those
If the red flags are ignored in the beginning of the relationship, any kind of relationship, it will be the reason the relationship ends. -Anonymous
“The in-between space is where we grow the most. Go with the natural flow of the journey.” -yoga instructor