What are you motivated to do for others, but hesitate in doing for yourself because you don’t think you’re worth the time, money, or energy?
What are you motivated to do for others, but hesitate in doing for yourself because you don’t think you’re worth the time, money, or energy?
APA article 2024: Worrying, being anxious, and having fear-related life experiences can cause/increase nightmares. Poor sleep and nightmares can lead to emotional dysregulation. Nightmares cause/increase
Per APA Psychological Trauma Research Journal (2024): Irritability was significantly correlated to PTSD and should be incorporated into the PTSD dimensions.
What is the difference between intentional vs non-intentional gaslighting? How can you tell the difference? -Dr. P
When “packing your patience” before you go out the door, be mindful of what factors may trigger you, why they trigger you, and decide in
How can you set up your day for success, and your week for success? What does success mean to you? -Dr. P
Trauma-related insomnia and nightmares, increases/intensifies other PTSD symptoms the following day. Management/reduction of insomnia and nightmares will reduce the other PTSD symptoms. -APA Trauma Psychology
These resilient Olympic athletes have the same mental health challenges and family dynamics as everyone else, and they overcome and learn to manage these challenges
Kotsu Kotsu, being fully present in the moment and engaged in the art of slowing down. -Calm app
What is the difference between an anxiety-based nightmare vs a PTSD/trauma-based nightmare? -Dr. Parysa